Taiwan Wine Academy | Interntional Sommelier Guild

Taiwan Wine Academy | International Sommelier Guild (ISG)

Students of Taiwan Wine Academy: This message is to inform anyone in Taiwan that has been either approached directly or indirectly by either the entity of Taiwan Wine Academy, or Ms. I-Hua Chen, or Mr. Tom Curry or anyone else representing this entity, that they are not a legal representative of the International Sommelier Guild Ltd. As we cancelled the contract back in 2014 directly for a variety of reasons including unprofessional standards.

致台灣酒研學院學生:我們鄭重告知您,台灣酒研學院陳怡樺、Tom Curry等該機構人士,並非International Sommelier Guild Ltd法定代表。在各種專業評估下,我們正式於2014年取消合作關係。

Any ISG courses, exams and/or certificates provided or sold by this entity, the ISG institution with its headquarters in America is not aware of it and your paperwork is not recognized.


It is our suggestion that you request full refunds for these fraudulent courses and take them with an ISG approved entity in Taiwan. If you want to get proper certification we can even offer you remotely for free the examinations on line so you are validated properly.


If you have any questions or concerns, you should be contacting the ISG directly in America at info@internationalsommelier.com . You may also write to us in Chinese if you are more comfortable.


Be aware that not only do you not even have legitimate documented paperwork from Taiwan Wine Academy with respect to the ISG, but also that you are not recognized in any other country and should you ever want to take higher courses you will have to start from the beginning; this will especially be an issue in both America, Canada and the UK and if you will require student visas.


Lastly, please be advised that Taiwan Wine Academy and all its shareholders and instructors are being sued on January 6, 2020 in Broward County in Florida, USA for 2 illegal actions that are enforceable and will probably end their ability to conduct business under their corporate names and personal names and they are:


1- First lawsuit will be on copyright infringements against, Taiwan Wine Academy, I-Hua Chen (Naseem), Tom Curry, Wendy Vallastar and all of its Chinese instructors personally (Cai Xiaolun Alex Tsai, 聶汎勳 Nie Fanxun, and 何信緯 Thomas Ho) since they were never approved by the ISG to teach our courses let alone after contract cancelation. This is defined by US law which is “when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner”. Be advised even the Chinese books (both simplified and traditional done later by a professional) have been copyrighted in America as well as the other 14 languages we now teach in

1. 訴訟一:將針對台灣酒研學院,陳怡樺(Naseem),Tom Curry及其所有股東和講師提出侵權訴訟,因為他們從未得到ISG的批准,在取消合同後繼續教授或使用課程資訊。這是由美國法律定義的,即「未經版權擁有者許可,複製,分發,演出,公開展示或製作為衍生著作的版權作品。」請注意,即使是中文書籍(包括簡體字和繁體字,後來由專業人士完成)也已在美國以及我們現在使用的其他14種語言中享有版權。

2- Second lawsuit, the more severe, will be filed jointly for Defamation of Character as defined by US law which is “ is an all-encompassing legal term defined as the “act of making or publishing a false statement to a third-party, resulting in harm to another’s reputation.” As defamation is considered a civil wrong in Common Law jurisdictions (ex. U.S., U.K, C.A.), it is commonly referred to as the “tort of defamation,” and may be broken down into two major types: • Libel: a written or published communication of a false statement of fact to a third-party, resulting in harm to another’s reputation. • Slander: a spoken communication of a false statement of fact to a third-party, resulting in harm to another’s reputation.”

2. 訴訟二:將共同針對美國法律所定義的誹謗行為提起訴訟,這是“涵蓋所有法律術語,定義為“向第三方作出虛假陳述或發表虛假陳述的行為,由於誹謗在英美司法管轄區(例如,美國,英國,加拿大)被視為民事責任,因此通常被稱為“誹謗侵權”,可分為兩大類型: • 書面誹謗:以書面或公開形式向第三方傳達虛假事實陳述,從而損害他人聲譽。 • 口頭誹謗:以口頭形式向第三方傳達虛假事實陳述,從而損害他人聲譽。”

We regret this fraud that has been perpetrated on you and be aware that the ISG will have these two resolutions fixed quickly.


